Frequently Asked Questions - Membership

FAQs - Membership
How many picks you post per match day?
The tipster will identify 2 value bets on each match day. The most confident tip will be called Secret Betting Tips, Maximum Confidence (SBT-MC) while the second most confident tip will be classify under Secret Betting Tips, High Confidence (SBT-HC).
How much is the tips?
SBT-MC cost 168 EUR while SBT-HC is priced lower at 128 EUR. If you buy both tips together, you only need to pay 250 EUR. A discounts of 15%.
What is the bank size and money management you recommend?
We bet flat, and advise you to follow us with flat stakes. The most conventional approach would be to follow us with 2% of your betting bank and under no circumstances should you take our bets with more than 3% of our betting bank. If your average bet size is below 500 EUR, we would advise you against joining our service.
Your service is very expensive. Don't you think you should lower the price?
First of all, given our overall results, we feel that our price offers you value for money. Second, our asking price allows us to get quality over quantity when it comes to our members - we want our clients to be serious betting people making an investment in order to increase their overall profit, and not newbies and university students expecting a paid service to produce a 'rags to riches' scenario. We feel that most serious punters will recognize us as a good investment opportunity, while our asking price will make most of the newbies opt against joining us, which is exactly what we want to achieve.
I have not been receiving your replacement tips by emails.
Replacement tips are sent by email. If you did not receive the replacement tips, check your junk/spam folder. If you have not been getting our tips, the chances are that they have been wrongly identified as spam by your mail provider.
What are your tips posting times?
By 12 pm CET time. The tips available on the match day will be shown on the front page of the site.
Do i receive any replacement tips for draw / lose tips?
Yes, we offer 2 free replacement tips for each draw / lose tips. The replacement tips will be automatically email to you on the next available match days.
Do you send the tips by email or SMS?
No, we provide instant access to the tips on site after you make payment. Login to your account and access the tips, SBT-MC or/and SBT-HC on site after your payment has been approved. Is it that simple. This is to allow you to make a late decision on your purchase.
Can I get a free trial?
No. we do not practice free trials as we feel that such requests are both unfair to our paying members and pointless. There is nothing you can learn about us during the free trial which you couldn't find out normally by monitoring our progress before you buy our tips.
Which bookies to do you use?
We use odds from Pinnacle, 12bet/Ibcbet and Sbobet